07598 468 874 [email protected]

The CCI have created a number of infosheets and worksheets on different topics which you may find useful if it supports our learning style

“If you experience a condition that is affecting your mental health and are looking for specific information about different types of problems then the ‘workbooks’ or sets of modules in this section may be relevant to you. Some of the modules can be used on their own, while others are best used as part of the series; each workbook will have its own suggestions. We strongly encourage you to talk to your local doctor or a mental health professional about your difficulties as the information provided in the resources are NOT a substitute for proper diagnosis or treatment by an appropriate health professional.”  ~ Source of documents – Centre for Clinical Interventions

File Type: www
Categories: Clients Only, Clients only info by topic
Tags: activity, Anxiety, Appearance Concerns, Assertiveness, Bipolar, Body Dysmorphia, Depression, Disordered Eating, Distress, Emotional Regulation, Feelings, Health Anxiety, Mood, Panic, Perfectionism, Procrastination, Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem, Sleep, Social Anxiety, Stress, tolerance, Tolerating Distress, worksheets, Worry and Rumination